Getting that tattoo seemed like a good idea at the time, which is probably why you chose to have this permanently inked reminder on your body. But, by the same token, tattoo regrets are a reality.
Fortunately you now have the option of laser tattoo removal and technology has advanced to the point where scarring is minimal, sometimes non-existent. However, this varies depending on the situation and the person.
The best way to remove a tattoo is with a quality-switched, or Q-switched ND:YAG laser, such as used by Lasermed Tyger Valley. The beam of light searches for contrast between skin tone and ink and pulses intensely on the skin to break the ink down into particles small enough for the body to absorb. Unfortunately, this isn’t all done with just one treatment. The more treatments you have, the more the laser can penetrate to break up the ink.
Laser treatment works differently for everyone, depending on the tattoo. The greater the colour contrast between the ink and skin, the easier the removal will be. Black ink on light-skinned people is the easiest to remove, while fluorescent colours such as green and purple in particular are very difficult.
Smaller tattoos also are easier to remove, as are older tattoos, because the ink is easier to break down. Should you wish to embark on a tattoo removal process, expect to undergo two to 12 laser treatment sessions at monthly intervals.
• Amateur tattoo: 3 – 6 treatments;
• Professional tattoo: 6 – 15 treatments;
• Cosmetic tattoo: 2 – 6 treatments after a patch test;
• Traumatic tattoo (gravel/tar/dirt/glass embedded in the skin after an accident): 2 – 6 treatments;
• Medicinal tattoo (radiation port marks): 2 – 4 treatments.
For a quote, please send a photo, as well as the tattoo dimensions to The treatment is available only at Lasermed Tyger Valley.