Effectively reducing the visible signs of photo-ageing and sun damage in men and women of all ages, IPL Photo Rejuvenation is simply so worth it! This non-invasive, restorative laser treatment reconditions your skin with a decidedly youthful glow. Better yet, pores are refined, lines and wrinkles softened, skin tightened, sun spots removed, Rosacea is reduced and broken facial veins are targeted. And to crown it all, there’s no downtime.
Specials for May, June & July 2019:
Face R2 200 (save R200)
Face & neck R2 900 (save R500)
Face, neck & chest R3 400 (save R600)
Hands with other areas R800 (save R800)
Hands IPL & ETCA peel R1 800 (save R300)
Lasermed Tyger Valley, ph 021 9146006, skinlaser@mweb.co.za;
Lasermed City Bowl, ph 021 4245078, skinlasercb@mweb.co.za