Make no mistake, IPL after-care is as important as the treatment itself. In addition, it’s important to observe some pre-treatment do’s and don’ts. These are: avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, chemical peels, Botox or collagen injections and using Retinol a week prior to your treatment.
Immediately afterwards
Should your skin be red and a bit swollen, which is to be expected, ice it for the next 30 minutes. You may also cover up with foundation.
And don’t worry, the redness should disappear after 24 hours. Don’t be alarmed if your sunspots appear darker. That’s perfectly normal and signals that the treatment was effective.
To prevent additional swelling, try to sleep with an extra pillow under your head.
Healing the skin
To promote skin healing, use only gentle cleansers without harsh chemicals twice a day. And keep your skin hydrated with a moisturiser free of active ingredients for the next seven days.
Should your skin feel a tad itchy, apply Aloe Vera. It’s a wonderfully soothing product.
Avoid excessive exercise, very hot showers or baths, saunas and swimming in chlorinated pools for the next two to three days.
But importantly, under no circumstances should you expose the treated area to direct sunlight for the next four weeks. And always apply an SPF 50+ sunscreen before you poke your nose out the door.
In the days and weeks following treatment, you’ll definitely notice a drastic improvement in whatever your concern was. These may include sunspots, skin tone, rosacea, broken capillaries, acne and skin discolouration. All thanks to the wonder of IPL and following a strict IPL after-care regimen.