Men and women of all skin conditions and colours can glow for summer with a microdermabrasion & glycolic acid peel combo. While the microdermabrasion mechanically exfoliates the skin safely on all skin colours, chemical peels with fruit acids dissolve the glue- like substance holding dull and dead skin cells on the skin’s topmost layer. Both treatments result in newer, healthier skin, but by combining the two, you get a double whammy of benefits.
You can expect amazing results: helping improve enlarged pores, clogged pores, uneven skin colour, dull, dry/dehydrated skin, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Best of all, there’s no downtime.
Called ‘the lunch time peel’, microdermabrasion is a safe, progressive treatment which improves the skin’s appearance, collagen production and circulation in less than an hour. And there’s no down-time. What’s more, your glowing, smooth and healthy skin will attract compliments by the dozen.
Candidates also include those with pigmented dark skin, oily skin with acne, as well as a tighter look for anyone over the age of 30.