Broken thread veins on the nose can have a significant impact on a man’s confidence in business and social situations. Reason being that many people associate a vein-riddled red nose with ’drinker’s nose’. Although alcohol can play a role, there are many other causes. Among these are sun damage, rosacea, extreme temperatures, genetics, environmental irritants and pressure changes.
Soaring numbers of men are seeking laser treatment to boost their confidence and look their best. The results are well worth it.
Spider veins are a sign of impaired blood flow. When the the vein structures are impaired, blood is retained within the veins. Through simple lifestyle changes and obtaining professional guidance , individuals can minimise the appearance of spider veins on the nose. Laser treatment for one, works very well.
Other steps to take include: wearing sunscreen daily; eating Vitamin K-rich foods such as soybeans, cauliflower and fortified cereals, as well as vitamin C-rich foods such as fruit; reduce or stop using topical steroids, which can lead to the development of acne rosacea; consult a dermatologist to learn about treatment options.