I’m sure you’ve been told, ‘You need to use an anti-oxidant on the skin to protect you against free radicals….’ But what are free radicals and how do they harm your skin?
According to Rice University, a free radical is a single atom, with an unpaired electron. Electrons like to be in pairs, so these atoms seeks out other electrons so that they can become a pair. The first free radical pulls an electron from a molecule, which destabilises the molecule and turns it into a free radical. That molecule then takes an electron from another molecule, destabilising it and turning it into a free radical. This domino-effect can eventually disrupt and damage the whole cell.
“The free radical theory of ageing states that we age because of free radical damage over time.” It can lead to a damaged DNA instructional code, causing our new cells to grow incorrectly, leading to ageing.
External factors such as sunlight, pollution and smoking can increase free radical activity on the skin. The best way, besides using a good quality sunblock to protect the skin against the sun, is to apply an antioxidant to the skin daily.
by Suzette la Grange, Lasermed City Bowl. Image: medicalxpress.com