Don’t let port wine stains ruin your child’s self-esteem. Being a type of vascular birthmark, these stains are successfully treated with laser therapy.
Often appearing as a reddish-purple discolouration because of an abnormal formation of tiny blood vessels, they’re most often seen on the face.
During the early stages, they might be flat and pink. But as the child ages, the stain grows and the colour may deepen. Unfortunately, about three out of every 1 000 children are born with these marks.
Although they can appear anywhere on the body, port wine stains often occur on the face. As time marches on, the stains may thicken into a cobblestone-like appearance.
these red marks are rarely harmful and they usually aren’t signs of any major
health problem.
Actually, the biggest concern is the child’s self-esteem – especially as teenagers. Because of this concern, parents would do well by consulting a dermatologist to diagnose the condition. In all likelihood, he/she will then recommend laser therapy.
therapy actually destroys the tiny blood vessels in the skin without causing
much damage to the skin. Of note is that facial stains respond better to laser
therapy than those on the arms, legs and trunk of the body. But multiple laser
treatments definitely will lighten the port wine stains significantly.
Photo: courtesy Ellipse Denmark.